photos via ManRepeller
Alright, if I am in love with one blog, it is the Man Repeller. Every time I visit the blog, I always get so inspired and also end up laughing my ass off. This is partly because the concept of the Man Repeller is incredibly true for all women who are interested in fashion. So, what is a man repeller you may ask? Lets look no further than to Leandra herself. (This is directly from www.manrepeller.com....I own nothing)
The Man Repeller's shtick, as she points out on her blog, hinges on isolating high-fashion trends that might actually keep men at arm's length. She provides a definition:
"Outfitting oneself in a sartorially offensive way that will result in repelling members of the opposite sex. Such garments include but are not limited to harem pants, boyfriend jeans, overalls (see: human repelling), shoulder pads, full length jumpsuits, jewelry that resembles violent weaponry and clogs."
She cites an example conversation about staving men away through clothes:
Girl 1: What are you wearing to the party?
Girl 2: My sweet lime green drop crotch utility pants!
Girl 1: Oh, so we're man repelling tonight.
Story of my life... Actually, story of every fashaholic's life. I'll probably do a separate blog post discussing men's take on woman's fashion. But, this basically says it all. Not many men are fans of high waisted pants, jumpsuits, sequins, leather, etc. It seems like every time I wear my leather skirt or shorts, some guy has to make a sarcastic comment about them. I've gotten used to it, but I also think it is the reason why many women and girls are afraid to take fashion risks! I know this because it used to be my excuse for not dressing the way I liked. When I discovered the Man Repeller blog, I kind of fell in love and became obsessed with dressing in a way that most guys probably don't find attractive, or...they way I love to dress. I'm going to save this discussion for another blog post..so more on the original Man Repeller herself! Leandra Medine represents something of a fashion conundrum. Her cover-up aesthetic she promotes on her blog has curated some of the most alluring trends. She refers to her outfits as "sartorial contraceptives". Basically saying that her fashion choices "repels" men from her. Well, that's one way to save money on birth control!
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